Tuesday, June 21, 2016

THE BATMAN: Episode 7 "Bat vs Hood"

This is Fan-Fiction screenplay of the world's greatest detective. I don't own the rights to any of the characters, this is simply for fun.

[34] NIGHT. COMMISSIONER GORDON’S OFFICE. GORDON is hard at work at his desk. He rises and looks out the window. A spotlight shines from the roof. GORDON watches it. Then he has an idea. He walks over to the phone and presses the intercom.
Commissioner Gordon:
Bonny, get me the scrap metal place.
GORDON turns to see BATMAN in the window.
Commissioner Gordon:
Call it, a new idea to call you. What are you here for?
I need you to get me any information on Walter Cromwell.
Commissioner Gordon:
The file I had in the ally had information about Cromwell. All I could find out about him was that he was a failed stand-up comedian.
Commissioner Gordon:
Do you think he has something to do with The Red Hood?
He is interrupted by a knock at the door. GORDON turns to it.
Commissioner Gordon:
Come in.
GORDON turns back to the window, but BATMAN is gone. BULLOCK walks in.
Commissioner, we have an alarm going off at the Wayne Enterprises Science division.
Commissioner Gordon:
Commissioner Gordon:
Get going, but remember, if it’s Batman, don’t shoot him.
But, Commissioner-.
Commissioner Gordon:
Go, now Bullock!
(Grunt) Yes sir.
BULLOCK leaves. GORDON turns back to the window.
Commissioner Gordon:
I assume you’ll be there too.
BATMAN’s back in the window.
Obviously. And don’t forget to look into Walter Cromwell.
Commissioner Gordon:
I will.
BATMAN jumps out the window.
[35] NIGHT. WAYNE ENTERPRISES. THE RED HOOD’s GOONS are taking boxes out of the building. The KID from earlier is tired from carrying the boxes back and forth, so he trips, and drops the box. The box splits open and the contents flow into an open pothole. The contents were the green fluids that made all those men crazy in the beginning. HENCHMAN 1 kicks the KID in the gut.
Henchman 1:
Idiot! Do you want to kill us all?!
HENCHMAN 1 kicks him again.
I’m sorry!
Henchman 1:
Sorry don’t cut the mustard.
HENCHMAN 1 kicks the KID again and again, until...
THE RED HOOD steps up from a shadow toward the KID.
The Red Hood:
We don’t need any of that kicking, discipline. There are other ways of punishment.
THE RED HOOD pulls out a knife.
The Red Hood:
How about we take a layer of skin off your arm?
A BATERANG hits THE RED HOOD’s knife out of his hand. Everyone looks up to the top of a building above the alley. BATMAN sits on the edge.
Maybe you should pick on someone your own size.
BATMAN jumps down.
Like me.
Two GOONs rush at BATMAN. BATMAN pulls out three smoke pellets and throws them at the feet of the GOONs. Smoke pours out and the GOONS choke. The smoke clears and BATMAN’s gone. Everyone looks around the alley but no sign of him. Suddenly HENCHMAN TWO is swooped into a shadow by BATMAN. HENCHMAN TWO screams. Everyone moves closer to the shadow. A few GOONs run away from the alley. BATMAN kicks the goons away and sees THE RED HOOD run into the building. He follows him as the Cops surround the building.
[36] THE RED HOOD runs into a factory with pools of LANGSTROM's formula underneath the walkway he's on. All of the sudden, he's tripped up by a rope. He turns around to see BATMAN running toward him. RED HOOD gets up and gets ready for the fight.BATMAN raises his fist and swings a punch. RED HOOD blocks it.
Red Hood:
I knew, we would fight eventually, I just didn’t realize it’d be so soon.
RED HOOD swings an undercut up at BATMAN’s jaw. BATMAN backs away after the impact. RED HOOD then, swings a leg up at BATMAN’s gut. Again, BATMAN backs up. THE RED HOOD swings again, but he’s blocked by BATMAN.
It’s over, Cromwell.
Red Hood:
Cromwell? Who’s Cromwell?
They start fighting again, RED HOOD matches every fighting move, BATMAN makes. Eventually, BATMAN knocks RED HOOD over the railing. THE RED HOOD holds onto the walkway. Batman tries to help him. RED HOOD just laughs and falls in. After the bubbles disappear, BATMAN turns and swings a bat-a-rang at BULLOCK’s gun.
I’m getting tired of seeing that gun.
BATMAN fired his grappling hook at the skylight and disappears. COMMISSIONER GORDON walks up behind BULLOCK.
He just killed the Red Hood!
The Batman just threw the Red Hood in one of those pools.
I don’t believe you!
What? Why not?
Harvey, you’ve been against the Batman ever since he started. And you’ve already lied about him before. Batman is really trying to help. If I catch you pointing your gun at Batman, I’ll take your badge.
GORDON walks away. BULLOCK looks up at the skylight, and then follows. BATMAN watches BULLOCK leave, then leaves himself. After he leaves, bubbles start forming in the pool. RED HOOD has his back turned and he takes off his mask. Then we hear a creepy laugh.

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