Friday, June 10, 2016

THE BATMAN: Episode 4 "The Kidnapping" Part 2

This is Fan-Fiction screenplay of the world's greatest detective. I don't own the rights to any of the characters, this is simply for fun.

[9] OUTSIDE MARONI’S HIDEOUT. It’s like an old factory. MARONI’S HENCHMEN take BARBRA inside. There are two guards outside the door. They let the HENCHMEN inside.
[10] INSIDE MARONI’S HIDEOUT. MARONI is sitting at the end of a table, which is the only thing in the room. THE HENCHMEN come in with BARBRA. They set BARBRA down in the chair on the other end of the table. MARONI motions for them to dump a bucket of water on her. M. HWENCHMAN 2 obeys. This awakens her. She looks around, scared.
Where am I?
MARONI has a New York accent.
In my hideout.
Who are you?

My name is Sal Maroni.
BARBRA reacts to the name.
Have you heard of me?
You’re a crime boss right?
Very perceptive young lady.
Why have you kidnapped me?
It’s nothing personal, but we have made demands to Commissioner Gordon, that if he kills himself, you will live. If he doesn’t, (cocks his gun) you will die.
[11] OUTSIDE MARONI’S HIDEOUT. The two guards the BAT-MOBILE in front of the gait. GUARD 1 walks toward it. He makes it to the gate.
Guard 1:
(To the Bat-mobile) Password.
GUARD 2 watches as GUARD 1 is swooped upward into the darkness. GUARD 2 gets his gun set, looks around, and sees something on top of the gate. He holds his gun up.
Guard 2:
Who are you?
He is swooped up by his foot. He hangs upside down on the BAT-LINE. GUARD 2 is swinging upside down in front of BATMAN.
Guard 2:
Don’t hurt me please!
Why is that the first thing you crooks say to me? I take the keys to the building.
Guard 2:
I only have the front door keys.
I’ll take them. But I won’t need them. You will.
GUARD 2 looks confused.
[12] COMMISSIONER GORDON’S OFFICE. GORDON is reading the note. He looks like it’s a tragedy. CHIEF O’HARA and DETECTIVE BULLOCK look on.
Chief O’Hara:
What does it say Commissioner?
Commissioner Gordon:
It says, (reading) ‘Commissioner, we have demands that you either commit suicide, or we kill your daughter, by midnight. Take the body to/from the old Beef factory on the west side. With Love, Sal "Boss" Maroni’.
Detective Bullock:
What do we do?
Chief O’Hara:
GORDON and BULLOCK look at him like he’s crazy.
Detective Bullock:
What are you talking about?
Chief O’Hara:
Well, Batman told me to give you the note. He’ll get them.
DETECTIVE BULLOCK cringes at the sound of BATMAN’s name.
Detective Bullock:
We can’t trust him.
Chief O’Hara:
Why not?
Detective Bullock:
I believe he’s working for Maroni.
Commissioner Gordon:
If she’s not here by 11:55, I will have to die.
Chief O’Hara:
Commissioner Gordon:
It’s either my life, or the life of my daughter. And her life is much more precious than mine.
Detective Bullock:
I’ll send the cars.
[13] INSIDE MARONI’S HIDEOUT. BARBRA is looking at MARONI cautiously. Fear in her eyes.
What’s up kid? You look scared. Don’t worry, if your father is as good as people say, he’ll commit suicide. He probably loves you more that’s why he’s probably dead now.
Suddenly GUARD 2’s keys fall onto the middle of the table from above. They all look up to see GUARD 2 falling from the skylight. GUARD 2 hits the middle of the table splitting it in two. GUARD 2 looks up at everyone.
GUARD 2 faints. The HENCHMEN and MARONI get their guns out and ready. BARBRA tries to sneak away, but is seen by MARONI.
Hey, Gordon,
BARBRA looks up at him. He has his gun aimed at her face.
Nice knowin’ ya’.
Before he can shoot BATMAN is all over him. MARONI doesn’t understand what’s going on. HENCHMAN 2 jumps on top of BATMAN. HENCHMAN 2 wrestles BATMAN to the ground. BATMAN elbows him in the gut. As HENCHMAN 2 goes down, HENCHMAN 1 aims the butt of his rifle towards BATMAN’s gut. BATMAN dodges it while, in a flash, grabs the rifle pulls it so the HENCHMAN goes flying towards BATMAN. While the HENCHMAN is flying towards him, BATMAN throws a punch to the HENCHMAN’s face. The punch knocks the HENCHMAN down to the ground. BATMAN hears a shot. The Bullitt just misses his foot. BATMAN looks up to see HENCHMEN 3 and 4 have their guns up. BATMAN quickly pulls out his BATARANG. He throws it at the two HENCHMEN. The gadget knocks the guns out of their hands. The BATARANG goes right back to BATMAN. The two HENCHMEN attack BATMAN who gives them a knock on the head to knock them both unconscious. BATMAN looks around.
Miss Gordon?
Maroni: (o.v.)
Over here, Bats.
BATMAN turns around to see MARONI has his gun to BARBRA’s side.
I wouldn’t do anything. I couldn’t miss from here.
MARONI starts walking backwards to the back door. Inconspicuously, BATMAN pushes a button on his belt.
[14] OUTSIDE MORONI’S HIDEOUT. The BAT-MOBILE roars to life. GUARD 1 is hung up on a tree branch. He watches the BAT-MOBILE roar, drive through the fence, and into the building.

[15] INSIDE MORONI’S HIDEOUT. The BAT-MOBILE crashes through the wall behind BATMAN. MORONI is so distracted by the vehicle he doesn’t notice BATMAN knocks MORONI on the back of the head which causes MARONI to fall to the ground. His gun is on the ground next to BATMAN’s foot. BATMAN picks it up, unloads it, and splits the gun in two (with some effort). BARBRA is on the ground, fainted of course. BATMAN picks her up and carries her to the BAT-MOBILE. MARONI looks up at BATMAN, he sees the rifle from one of the HENCHMEN. BATMAN sets BARBRA in the BAT-MOBILE. Quickly, MARONI grabs the rifle and shots at BATMAN. The shot misses and hits the BAT-MOBILE. BATMAN turns toward MARONI. Police cars are heard from a distance. MARONI shoots again; BATMAN dodges it, jumps in the car, and drives away. MARONI runs deeper into the factory.

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