Tuesday, June 21, 2016

THE BATMAN: Episode 7 "Bat vs Hood"

This is Fan-Fiction screenplay of the world's greatest detective. I don't own the rights to any of the characters, this is simply for fun.

[34] NIGHT. COMMISSIONER GORDON’S OFFICE. GORDON is hard at work at his desk. He rises and looks out the window. A spotlight shines from the roof. GORDON watches it. Then he has an idea. He walks over to the phone and presses the intercom.
Commissioner Gordon:
Bonny, get me the scrap metal place.
GORDON turns to see BATMAN in the window.
Commissioner Gordon:
Call it, a new idea to call you. What are you here for?
I need you to get me any information on Walter Cromwell.
Commissioner Gordon:
The file I had in the ally had information about Cromwell. All I could find out about him was that he was a failed stand-up comedian.
Commissioner Gordon:
Do you think he has something to do with The Red Hood?
He is interrupted by a knock at the door. GORDON turns to it.
Commissioner Gordon:
Come in.
GORDON turns back to the window, but BATMAN is gone. BULLOCK walks in.
Commissioner, we have an alarm going off at the Wayne Enterprises Science division.
Commissioner Gordon:
Commissioner Gordon:
Get going, but remember, if it’s Batman, don’t shoot him.
But, Commissioner-.
Commissioner Gordon:
Go, now Bullock!
(Grunt) Yes sir.
BULLOCK leaves. GORDON turns back to the window.
Commissioner Gordon:
I assume you’ll be there too.
BATMAN’s back in the window.
Obviously. And don’t forget to look into Walter Cromwell.
Commissioner Gordon:
I will.
BATMAN jumps out the window.
[35] NIGHT. WAYNE ENTERPRISES. THE RED HOOD’s GOONS are taking boxes out of the building. The KID from earlier is tired from carrying the boxes back and forth, so he trips, and drops the box. The box splits open and the contents flow into an open pothole. The contents were the green fluids that made all those men crazy in the beginning. HENCHMAN 1 kicks the KID in the gut.
Henchman 1:
Idiot! Do you want to kill us all?!
HENCHMAN 1 kicks him again.
I’m sorry!
Henchman 1:
Sorry don’t cut the mustard.
HENCHMAN 1 kicks the KID again and again, until...
THE RED HOOD steps up from a shadow toward the KID.
The Red Hood:
We don’t need any of that kicking, discipline. There are other ways of punishment.
THE RED HOOD pulls out a knife.
The Red Hood:
How about we take a layer of skin off your arm?
A BATERANG hits THE RED HOOD’s knife out of his hand. Everyone looks up to the top of a building above the alley. BATMAN sits on the edge.
Maybe you should pick on someone your own size.
BATMAN jumps down.
Like me.
Two GOONs rush at BATMAN. BATMAN pulls out three smoke pellets and throws them at the feet of the GOONs. Smoke pours out and the GOONS choke. The smoke clears and BATMAN’s gone. Everyone looks around the alley but no sign of him. Suddenly HENCHMAN TWO is swooped into a shadow by BATMAN. HENCHMAN TWO screams. Everyone moves closer to the shadow. A few GOONs run away from the alley. BATMAN kicks the goons away and sees THE RED HOOD run into the building. He follows him as the Cops surround the building.
[36] THE RED HOOD runs into a factory with pools of LANGSTROM's formula underneath the walkway he's on. All of the sudden, he's tripped up by a rope. He turns around to see BATMAN running toward him. RED HOOD gets up and gets ready for the fight.BATMAN raises his fist and swings a punch. RED HOOD blocks it.
Red Hood:
I knew, we would fight eventually, I just didn’t realize it’d be so soon.
RED HOOD swings an undercut up at BATMAN’s jaw. BATMAN backs away after the impact. RED HOOD then, swings a leg up at BATMAN’s gut. Again, BATMAN backs up. THE RED HOOD swings again, but he’s blocked by BATMAN.
It’s over, Cromwell.
Red Hood:
Cromwell? Who’s Cromwell?
They start fighting again, RED HOOD matches every fighting move, BATMAN makes. Eventually, BATMAN knocks RED HOOD over the railing. THE RED HOOD holds onto the walkway. Batman tries to help him. RED HOOD just laughs and falls in. After the bubbles disappear, BATMAN turns and swings a bat-a-rang at BULLOCK’s gun.
I’m getting tired of seeing that gun.
BATMAN fired his grappling hook at the skylight and disappears. COMMISSIONER GORDON walks up behind BULLOCK.
He just killed the Red Hood!
The Batman just threw the Red Hood in one of those pools.
I don’t believe you!
What? Why not?
Harvey, you’ve been against the Batman ever since he started. And you’ve already lied about him before. Batman is really trying to help. If I catch you pointing your gun at Batman, I’ll take your badge.
GORDON walks away. BULLOCK looks up at the skylight, and then follows. BATMAN watches BULLOCK leave, then leaves himself. After he leaves, bubbles start forming in the pool. RED HOOD has his back turned and he takes off his mask. Then we hear a creepy laugh.

Friday, June 17, 2016

THE BATMAN: Episode 6 "Wheel's In Motion"

This is Fan-Fiction screenplay of the world's greatest detective. I don't own the rights to any of the characters, this is simply for fun.

[27] BACK IN WAYNE ENTERPRISES. GORDON and BULLOCK walk up to an injured HARVEY DENT. DENT has a bloody washcloth to his head.
People love Dent. Why do you think the media call him ‘Apollo’?
Commissioner Gordon:
Because they say he’s charming, good-looking, and seemingly untouchable. That’s why.
They get up to him.
Commissioner Gordon:
Hey, Apollo. I mean Dent.
Commissioner. Where’d you go in such a hurry?
Commissioner Gordon:
I found Bullock shooting at The Batman.
You know, I’ve been thinking about what he said, ‘I get the criminals, you prosecute them’. I know that there is no one else in Gotham brave enough to prosecute all the crime we have in the city. It’s probably a good thing that we have a man brave enough to fight the crime.
Bullock: (Sarcastically)
Yah, that’s a good thing.
Commissioner Gordon:
Don’t you have something else you can do right now?
BULLOCK leaves them to work.
Alright guys let’s get them to the cars!
GORDON turns back to DENT.
Commissioner Gordon:
Bullock doesn’t like The Batman so much.
Why not?
Commissioner Gordon:
He says that Batman’s going to take the law into his own hands after so long, and become a criminal himself. But I think I know what he really thinks.
Commissioner Gordon:
He thinks that The Batman will take his job as Detective.
[28] THE BATCAVE. BRUCE still has the costume on his cowl’s off though. He’s looking through the file while ALFRED bandages him up.
All I can find in this file is stuff about a Walter Cromwell. (Alfred tightens the bandage too much) Ow!
Sorry sir. The bullet just grazed you. What about this Walter Cromwell?
It says he was originally an engineer at a chemical plant who quit his job to pursue his dream of being a stand-up comedian, only to fail miserably.
But what would Cromwell have to do with Langstrom? What’s the connection?
My guess is the man I saw in the ally wasn’t Langstrom.
He had on a red hood.
[29] NIGMA’S UNDERGROUND HIDEOUT. MARONI is sitting at the table in the dark room. Him and his HENCHMEN are waiting for something. MARONI stands up.
Maroni: (Angrily)
Well, where is he?!
MARONI slams his fist on the table. The HENCHMEN jerk backwards.
We’ve been waiting for him to show up, and he doesn’t!
We see a shadow behind MARONI. We hear a voice we don’t recognize.
Come on Sally baby. Do you think I’m going to desert you and leave you to The Batman?
MARONI turns around.
It’s about time you showed up. And please don’t end all of your sentences in a question mark.
The shadow becomes visible. EDWARD “E” NIGMA is the man. He’s in a green suit. Just plain green. He’s pretty crazy smiley kinda’ guy.
Is there something wrong with question marks?
Just get to the point Nigma!
Will you please call me Eddy?
How about Mr. Ed?
MARONI grabs NIGMA by the collar.
Would you get to the point?
Would you keep your hands off me?
What did you want me here for?
NIGMA pushes MARONI back.
First off, what happened between you and The-(Smiles and a little giggle) The Bat?
Is that all you wanted to talk about?
Why? What did you want to talk about?
NIGMA pulls out a Rubik’s cube and plays around with it.
Do you know how we can rule this city again?
Do I? (Pause. He then bursts out laughing)
I’m very sorry Maroni, but that was a stupid question. And I’m the only one that should be asking crazy questions around here, got it? But about taking over a city, why are you not in control now?
Henchman 1:
Close. It’s not Batsy. It couldn’t be. He’s too predictable. Anyone else?
Henchman 2:
The cops?
They’ve been predictable since the dawn of time.
Henchman 1:
Exactly. Dent hasn’t lost a case since he’s been here. And for a DA that’s impressive.
The HENCHMEN looks at each other.
Dent’s the one you’re really afraid of. Batman’s just in your minds and your mouths. But in your hearts, it’s Dent.
Since when have you become a psychologist Nigma?
Another voice is heard.
Since I told him what to say.
He steps out. DR. JONATHAN CRANE. Tall, skinny, and he’s in his scarecrow outfit without the mask.
Well, well, if it isn’t Arkham’s illustrious psychologist Dr. Jonathan Crane. If you’re here, then I assume your boss, Hugo Strange is in on this.
Henchman 2:
What’s with the getup? (He starts to laugh as does Henchman 1)
CRANE walks up to them.
You may laugh now boys, but just wait when I give you a healthy dose of my medicine.
Henchman 1:
If it’ll make us look like that, I don’t think I want it. (They burst out laughing)
CRANE smiles.
I hope you brought more henchman, Sal.
Henchman 1 & 2:
CRANE throws a poof of fear gas and they both go to the ground coughing. They look up at CRANE now reading as SCARECROW since his mask is on. They are so scared they’re crying.
Don’t you worry. I won’t hurt you… much. (Creepy laughter)
Henchman 1:
No! Mama! Mama!
Henchman 2:
Snakes! All the snakes!
SCARECROW (now CRANE) takes his mask off and looks at MARONI and NIGMA.
Isn’t it fascinating Maroni?
What is it?
It’s my fear gas. It causes a person’s real fear and/or past events to come from his brain. Your First henchman’s mother died in a car accident.
How can you tell?
The fear in his eyes tell me that there must have been an accident involving his mother. Your other henchman is afraid of snakes.
MARONI watches these weeping men.
Is there an antidote?
I don’t know nor do I wish to. It’s more interesting this way.
How’s this going to solve our Dent problem.
Oh, this isn’t for Dent. It’s for the Batman.
Batman? But you said-.
If we can pick off Gotham’s heroes one by one. We take care of Batman. Citizen’s hopes are crushed. Police exposed. No one to trust. Dent will be their target.
NIGMA holds up the finished Rubik’s Cube.
And when Dent’s terminated,
NIGMA crushes the Cube.
Gotham will be ours.
[30] WAYNE MANSION. BRUCE is on the phone.
Ok… yeah I understand… well if you find out anything let me know. Thank you sir.
He hangs up. Alfred comes up.
Arthur Cromwell didn’t have anything to go on?
BRUCE shakes his head.
No. And I only have two names left. Let’s see.
BRUCE looks in the phone book.
Next is Harley Cromwell.
BRUCE dials the number and waits for an answer. HARLEY answers.
Harley: (Depressed Voice)
(Sigh) Hello.
Hi this is Bruce Wayne, and I was-
Harley: (Over the Phone)
The Bruce Wayne?
Yes and I was calling because I’m looking for someone with your last name.
Harley: (Over the Phone)
Oh, who?
Uh, his name is Walter.
CLICK. DIAL TONE. BRUCE looks at ALFRED, then he hangs up and walks toward the coach.
Found him.
Are you going as Batman, sir?
At 10:00 AM? Are you kidding?
I must warn you sir-,
BRUCE sits on the couch and picks up a remote.
I set up a smoke bomb on the right side of the utility belt third gadget.
BRUCE presses a button on the remote and the coach sinks into the Bat-cave.
I don’t think it will be necessary. But thanks anyway.
The coach is gone and is replaced by another couch of the same look. ALFRED smiles and starts sweeping the floor.
[31] BAT-CAVE. BRUCE puts the gloves on. Then the boots. Then the cape. Finally the cowl. Then the Bat-mobile roars to life and it zooms through the entrance.
[32] HARLEY’S APARTMENT. HARLEY instructs her son TYLER to hurry and pack. She is in a hurry.
Where are we going, mommy?
I’ll tell you later Ty. Right now we need to hurry.
HARLEY rushes into TYLER’S room and starts putting his clothes in a small suitcase as fast as she can. TYLER puts some of his toys in an arm bag. He sees something lying on the floor. He picks it up. It’s a pencil. He shows HARLEY.
Mommy, will we come back?
HARLEY stops and looks at him. She puts her arms on TYLER’S shoulders.
I don’t know, Ty. I don’t think we need to be in Gotham any more. Why do you ask?
TYLER shows her the pencil.
I borrowed this pencil from Brittney at school and I said I would give it back and I want to always keep my promises.
HARLEY puts her head down. She’s near tears.
At least you’re not like your father.
She looks up at him.
Ty, take your toy bag downstairs to the car. And I’ll be down there in a minute. Ok?
TYLER nods and obeys as HARLEY continues her packing. He stops in the doorway and turns to look at something on his dresser.
Could he save us mommy?
HARLEY turns to see what TYLER’S talking about. A BAT carved out of wood and painted black.
[33] NOON. HARLEY’S APARTMENT. TYLERS’S ROOM. STILL ON THE BAT SYMBOL. A shadow is seen in the window covering the dresser. BATMAN is looking in the window of the semi-empty apartment. HARLEY and TYLER are gone.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

THE BATMAN: Episode 5 "Experiments"

This is Fan-Fiction screenplay of the world's greatest detective. I don't own the rights to any of the characters, this is simply for fun.

[16] OUTSIDE MARONI’S HIDEOUT. The BAT-MOBILE drives past the officers. DETECTIVE BULLOCK is not with them.
[17] COMMISSIONER GORDON’S OFFICE. COMMISSIONER GORDON, CHIEF O’HARA, and DETECTIVE BULLOCK twiddle their thumbs waiting for news. They hear a knocking on the window. BATMAN is there with BARBRA in his arm. GORDON, O’HARA, and BULLOCK rush over towards them. [AD-LIB RELIEF] GORDON takes BARBRA from BATMAN’s arm.
Commissioner Gordon:
Barbra, are you alright?
BATMAN inconspicuously leaves.
Detective Bullock:
What happened Barbra?
I’ll tell you all. But first I need to say tha-
She turns to see that BATMAN is gone.
He’s gone!
Commissioner Gordon:
Well, I guess he stayed long enough to prove you wrong Bullock.
[18] THE RED GANG’S HIDEOUT. The gang is just sitting around doing nothing. The RED HOOD comes out.
The Red Hood:
Well, is The Batman here yet?
He looks around. No one’s seen him. BILL walks up to him.
Why do you want him to come here?
The Red Hood:
Do I ever ask you why you wear that shirt?
Bill shakes his head.
The Red Hood:
Then why do you ask me my plan?
You have a plan?
The Red Hood:
Wouldn’t I be a fine criminal without a plan? My plan is for the Batman to capture us and take us to prison. Something big will be in tomorrow. In fact, it’s something huge! And if we’re captured by the Batman, we get in on it.
We can see BATMAN looking through the skylight, displeased. ONE HOUR LATER. THE RED HOOD gets up to go.
The Red Hood:
Well, this has been fun, but it’s midnight. I’ve got to go.
[19] THE NEXT MORNING AT BRUCE’S HOUSE. 9:00 AM. BRUCE is in a suit and tie walking towards the door.
Why didn’t you capture them?
That was their plan all along. I’m wearing my costume under my suit in case something goes wrong.
Do you expect something to go wrong?
They wanted something that was in this morning. I think it’s Langstrom’s experiment.
Why? They’re criminals, why would they want something in sciences?
BRUCE shrugs and walks out the door.
Could you bring the car around Alfred?
Of course Master Bruce.
[20] WAYNE ENTERPRISES: SCIENCES. BRUCE sits down next to HARVEY DENT. The two men shake hands.
Bruce Wayne.
Harvey Dent.
I know, I’ve heard all about you.
And I’ve heard a lot about you too Mr. Wayne.
Call me Bruce.
Alright Bruce but you have to call me Harvey.
Alright. I didn’t think science was your thing Harvey.
It’s not, but some of the prisoners I’ve prosecuted are the lab rats for this experiment.
What did you say?
I said, some of the prisoners I’ve prosecuted are the lab rats for this experiment.
BRUCE looks at the men in orange. There must have been like, twenty of them (busy District attorney huh?) They look like the lab rats. BRUCE starts to get up.
I’ve got to go.
But LANGSTROM gets up and addresses the audience causing BRUCE to sit back down.
May I have your attention please? This is the most extraordinary experiment the world has ever seen. This formula can make a person twice of what he was. We tested this on real rats and they stunk so bad a man was hospitalized. I did get word that he can now breathe. Today, we will experiment on some of the worst criminals ever, making them twice what they are now.
(Hushed) What’s he doing?
LANGSTROM tells his men to release the sheet over a big pool full of green muck. Some in the audience plug their noses.
Prisoners, walk into it!
The prisoners obey. Dent can’t believe what’s going on. He turns to see Bruce isn’t next to him.
The goo is above the prisoner’s heads. After a dramatic pause, they jump out and attack the audience. A special thing about them, they have pale faces with big smiles. They are fast and strong. One has pinned DENT to the ground. He pulls a knife out, laughing, when all of the sudden BATMAN swoops in and knocks the unsuspecting goofball to the ground, still giggling. BATMAN turns toward DENT.
Get out of here Dent!
Who are you?
No time! Get ou-.
The giggler is now on top of BATMAN, obviously stronger than him. DENT cups his hands together and hits the giggler on the back of the head, knocking him out. BATMAN gets up.
Thanks. Now get out!
You can’t handle them by yourself!
BATMAN stops.
Why, you volunteering to help?
I get the criminals, you prosecute them, got it! Call Gordon.
BATMAN jumps out of the balcony to the bottom. DENT pulls out his phone to call GORDON.
Gordon? This is Dent.
[21] COMMISSIONER GORDON’S OFFICE. GORDON is on the phone with DENT. CHIEF O’HARA is looking on.
Commissioner Gordon:
Yes Harvey, we’ve already sent some men. (Beat) More men? Why would-. (Beat) 27? (Beat) The Batman!? On it.
COMMISSIONER GORDON puts the phone down and turns to CHIEF O’HARA.
Commissioner Gordon:
Chief we’re going to Wayne Enterprises. Batman needs our help.
They walk out of the office.
[22] WAYNE ENTERPRISES: SCIENCES. BATMAN is holding off some more giggling criminals. One comes at him with a knife, which seems to be their only weapon, probably due to the fact the no guns are allowed in the building so that’s just what they found. As one attacks him, BATMAN ducks causing the laughing lunatic to hit another giggling, insane, maniac. The hit criminal rolls on the floor laughing with tears in his eyes, he looks like he’s laughing and crying all at once. Then he dies. More attack (12) with knives, fists, and smiles. They speak to him in a lovely way. [AD-LIB CRIMINALS THREATENING TO KILL BATMAN] BATMAN spin kicks the first one, elbows the second, and blocks the third with his wrist, while the fourth slices a cut through BATMAN’s outfit in his abdominals. BATMAN is showing us that it was a pretty deep cut. The criminals approach him, when all of the sudden the Police charge through the doors, and arrest some laughing, giggling, insane, maniactic, criminals. COMMISSIONER GORDON walks over to an injured BATMAN.
Commissioner Gordon:
Batman? Are you alright?
I’ve been better.
Commissioner Gordon:
You need to go to a hospital now!
No! No hospitals.
Commissioner Gordon:
Why not?
I know an older man who used to be a medic in the army. I’d go to him before anyone else.
BATMAN uses his grappling gun and ‘flies’ off. GORDON watches him leave as DENT comes over to GORDON. GORDON turns to see DENT.
Commissioner Gordon:
Oh, Dent.
So that’s the Batman huh?
GORDON nods.
Never met anyone more self-centered.
Commissioner Gordon:
Harvey, you’re starting to sound like Bullock.
I tried to help him but he said something like, “I get the criminals, you prosecute them”. What’s not so self-centered about that?
Commissioner Gordon:
Well, you are the District Attorney, if you were to die, it wouldn’t help anything. These were killers after all.
I know, but I risk my life every day anyway.
[23] IN THE SCIENCE LAB. LANGSTROM is taking something from one of the filing cabinets. He turns to see BATMAN in the door way. BATMAN is still hurt from the stab, but he’s barely showing it.
So what’s the file you’re holding?
LANGSTROM runs from BATMAN deeper into the lab. BATMAN follows him. Every once in a while BATMAN grimaces in pain. He shoots his BAT-GRAPPLING hook up towards the ceiling. He flies and his cape ripples through the air following LANGSTROM. A shot is heard. BATMAN falls down crashes onto the ground and lands on his back. He looks up to see BULLOCK with a smoking gun, aimed at BATMAN. BULLOCK gets ready to fire at him again. BATMAN quickly moves out of the way limping, as BULLOCK fires at him again. BATMAN moves into the lab deeper and deeper away from BULLOCK. After a few more shots, GORDON stops BULLOCK.
What’s going on Bullock?

I saw someone steal a file in there.
GORDON pulls out a gun and slowly follows BATMAN though he doesn’t know who it is.
[24] ALLY OUTSIDE WAYNE ENTERPRISES. BATMAN limps out of the building. He’s also holding his arm that BULLOCK shot and hit. He presses a button on his utility belt.
[25] THE BAT CAVE. The BAT-MOBILE roars to life, and drives out.
[26] ALLY OUTSIDE WAYNE ENTERPRISES. BATMAN looks around the ally. There’s a shadow next to the dumpster. Its head looks reddish. The shadow runs off. BATMAN follows it limping.
Hey, you! Are you Dr. Langstrom?
BATMAN keeps following, but the shadow disappears outside of the ally. BATMAN keeps following but he steps on something. He looks down. It’s a file. Maybe the file LANGSTORM took. He picks it up.
Bullock: (Voice)
See Commissioner!
BATMAN turns around to see BULLOCK pointing him out to GORDON.
The Batman took the file!
Commissioner Gordon:
So, what?
He stole it from Bruce Wayne, and it could be evidence, or a cover up.
Commissioner Gordon:
Cover up for what?
He could be in on this whole scheme with the creepy looking dudes.
They look back to see BATMAN driving away on the BAT-MOBILE. GORDON turns back to BULLOCK.
Commissioner Gordon:
This doesn’t change anything Harvey!
GORDON walks back in.
Commissioner Gordon:
The Batman’s a hero. The one we’ve needed for a long time.
What about Harvey Dent? He’s a hero!
The door shuts. LANGSTROM is sitting in a shadow next to the stairs. He’s got the file.